Tournament Application:

Appleseed 2002 Tournament
Team Application
(Please Print)
Team Name_____________________________Team colors____________________
Soccer Club__________________________Boys______ Girls________ U________
Team Representative_____________________________________________________
Phone #___________________________e-mail_________________________
Team Coach____________________________________________________________
Phone #__________________________e-mail__________________________
Mailing address for tournament information:
League_______________________Previous Seasons' record: W______L______T______
Type of Team: ______Recreational ______Rec plus ______Classic _______League
Applications must be received by July 31, 2002 with tournament fee of .
Please mail entry form to & make checks payable to:
AYSA Tournament
2078 Ranchwood Dr., Mansfield, OH 44903
For additional information, please contact:
Tournament Director, Jay Porter
419-756-8438 email:
(Tournament Use Only)
Date Rec'd.______________________ Check #_______________________
Acknowledged___________________ Packet Sent_____________________
We would like to take this opportunity to invite your team and club to participate in the first Appleseed Kick-Off to be held August 24-25, 2002.
The Johnny Appleseed Kick-Off is a pre-season tournament located in Mansfield, OH and sponsored by the Appleseed Youth Soccer Association. Mansfield is located only one-hour away from Cleveland.
This tournament is NOT open to Premier teams but to recreational, recreational plus, classic and league teams. We will be accepting U11, U12, and U14 teams (2002-2003 rosters).
The entry fee is and must be included with the entry form. Application deadline is July 31, 2002.
Eligibility: All players must be members of OYSA-N.
Entry Fee: The entry fee is non-refundable upon acceptance. Tournament packages will be mailed to each team.
Rosters & Registration: A maximum of 18 USSF member players may be registered per team. No guest players are allowed. Each team must submit a validated league roster.
No Premier Teams.
Acceptance: Teams are accepted based upon the date the application and fees are received. Teams will be notified by mail of acceptance on or around August 5th, 2002.
Games: Each team will play a minimum of three games with the exception of cancellations due to severe weather. The tournament is not responsible for any expenses incurred by any team.
Awards: Champion and runner-up teams of each division will receive an award.
Age and Game Format
Age Group Birth Year Game Length Ball Size
U11 Born on or after 8/1/91 Two 25 minute halves 4
U12 Born on or after 8/1/90 Two 25 minute halves 4
U14 Born on or after 8/1/88 Two 25 minute halves 5