Soccer Field Listings:
AYSA Soccer Club's Field Listings, Diagrams, and Directions.
Ashland Soccer Fields:
Brookside West Park Davis Road Park Ringler Fields University Fields Ashland High School Fields
Duff Field
Montgomery School Field
Lexington Fields:
Bicentennial Fields Slack Fields
Bucyrus Fields:
Bay Soccer Field, Lane Street Field
From Mansfield Do not take by-pass. Head into town on Mansfield Street (business 30). 1st traffic signal after going under railroad overpasses turn right on Lane Street.
From Galion on Route 19
At 1st traffic signal (Whetstone Street) turn right. Go on Whetstone until Mansfield Street (Route 30) turn left on Mansfield Street and after going under railroad overpasses turn right at 1st traffic signal (Lane Street).
From Marion on Route 4-98
Go to square on Route 4 (Sandusky Street). Turn right on Mansfield Street, then turn left on Lane Street.
Clearfork Fields:
Starting from Firefighters Field, on Hickory Lane:
Take Route 13 South into Bellville. Turn left on Route 97 (if you went past bridge you went too far). Turn right on the first street Hines Avenue. Go over bridge (baseball fields immediately on left). Park by the baseball fields or school parking lot.
Soccer fields are all the way behind the baseball fields.
Little Flock Field (Falcon's):
Springmill Fields:
Under 8 teams & up will play at Springmill School. Take Rout 30 West to Trimble Road exit. Turn right on Trimble Road, go until you get to Nestor Drive. Straight until you reach the school fields around back. You will need to bring seats at Springmill School.
Discovery School Field:
Take Route 30 West to Trimble Road exit. Turn left onto Trimble Road (head south) to left onto Millsboro road. Field is on the right. Follow Sign.
Take 430 to left on Park Avenue East (under subway). Go through downtown Mansfield to the 5 way light. Turn a little left (southwest) onto Marion Avenue. At the 3rd stoplight, turn right onto Millsboro Road. Go past school (on left). Field on left, look for small sign.
Crestview Fields:
Route 30 - Take 545 North to fields. Right next to Day Spring County Home. Route 545 is the exit that goes past Old State Reformatory.
Starting from Firefighters Field, on Hickory Lane: Park Avenue West, turn right onto Trimble Road. Turn left onto Buckeye. Mansfield Liederkranz is located on right.
Mifflin Fields:East on St. Rt. 430 (right) Located at the corner of St. Rt. 430 and Reed Road. Across from Mifflin Fire Station.