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Appleseed Youth Soccer Association:

The Appleseed Youth Soccer Association (A.Y.S.A.) for Youth was formed to provide an organization within which children could learn and play soccer. The fact that any size player can be successful at the game and the modest expense required to field a team makes it possible for many children to participate in organized competition. These factors, plus the enthusiam of the children once they've played the game, have resulted in a rapid growth of the Appleseed Youth Soccer Association program.

It is the function of Appleseed Youth Soccer Association to provide guidance and instruction for new participants, an organizational structure to form leagues and schedule games, and to prescribe rules and regulations which will ensure safe, enjoyable and fair competition.

A youth program should be as its name inplies: A PROGRAM FOR KIDS. To win at any cost may be the proper attitude for the highly skilled professional, but is contradictory to the basic objectives of the Appleseed Youth Soccer Association.

The overall objective of Appleseed Youth Soccer Association is maximum participation with even competition at various age levels.

The Appleseed Youth Soccer Association believes that adherence to this basic principal has been the prime factor in its rapid growth, and that high school, college and professional soccer will be provided with more and better players as a result of our program.

Our Executive Team:

Sheri Hughes, Commissioner
Leslie Nielsen Vice Commissioner
Carol AlbrechtRegistrar & MCS Scheduler
Chuck Stickelman, Secretary
Leann Adams, Recorder
Cathy McGlone, Athletes w/Disabilities
Joe Ganim, Officials Assignor
Rick Hughes, Director of Education

Board of Representatives:

Ashland-Sam Rogers
Bucyrus-John Hord
Clearfork-Kim Elchelberger
Crestview-Sue Weber
Discovery-Liz Miller
Eastview-Pike Olson
Falcon's-Dave Wright
Lexington-Connie Porter
Liederkranz-Nancy Shramko
Lucas-Rachel Scott
Madison Jr. High-Karen Estep
Madison South-Rick Massie
Mansfield City-Leslie Nielsen
Mansfield Christian-Scott Wilging
Mifflin-Jennifer Doklovic
Ontario-Gary Haverfield
Springmill-Joann King
St. Peter's-Leann Adams
Woodland-Mark Fowler
Wooster Hts.-Rudy John Jr.

AYSA Mission Statement:

To develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on these philosophies:

Everyone Plays

Balanced Teams

Open Registration

Positive Coaching

Good Sportsmanship

As a member of AYSA you are also a member of OYSA-N, your state organization. All members of OYSA-N are also affiliated with the national youth soccer organization, US Youth Soccer.

E-mail Us:

Want to send us a brief note? click to email AYSA

Location / Phone Numbers:

1082 Lexington Avenue
Mansfield, Ohio 44907

Executive Board:May be reached by leaving a message at, 1-(419)755-2410